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时间:2023-12-11  阅读:

题目:竞争压力与 ESG(Competitive Pressure and ESG)

主讲人:孙汉文 英国巴斯大学管理学院会计金融系副教授

时间:2023年12月14日(周四) 16:00







A firm’s exposure to competition is negatively associated with its ESG performance. We measure exposure to domestic product market competition by product market fluidity, based on product text descriptions, and find that higher fluidity – indicating higher product market threats – is associated with lower ESG scores. Fluidity matters more for financially constrained firms, in capital-intensive industries, and for costly activities. Increasing exposure to Chinese import competition is associated with a reduction in ESG scores. This effect of import competition is stronger for firms less exposed to domestic competition. Local climate attitudes moderate the effect of competitive pressure.

企业面临的竞争与其环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)表现呈负相关。我们根据产品文本描述,通过产品市场流动性来衡量国内产品市场的竞争风险,结果发现,流动性越高--表明产品市场威胁越大--与较低的环境、社会和公司治理(ESG)得分相关。对于融资约束程度较高、属于资本密集型行业和成本高昂的企业来说,产品市场流动性的影响更加显著。由中国进口竞争带来的风险暴露增加会降低 ESG 表现。同时,进口竞争这一影响对受国内竞争影响较小的企业更为明显。此外,当地对待气候环境的态度能够缓和产品市场竞争压力的影响。


孙汉文,英国巴斯大学管理学院会计金融系副教授。先后获得太阳集团官网经济学学士学位,复旦大学金融学硕士学位,英国谢菲尔德大学金融学博士学位。研究方向集中于公司金融和资本市场,包括内幕交易,卖空,公司创新以及信息中介等。研究成果发表于 Research Policy, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Empirical Finance, 以及Journal of Accounting and Public Policy等国际期刊。主持英国皇家科学院研究项目。