讲座题目:Algorithm + AI =Optimal Compensation Strategies(算法+人工智能=最优薪酬策略)
主讲人:黄旭 香港浸会大学
I will present an on-going project, in which we make use of established human resource management theories, theory-based algorithm, and AI to develop a “light consultancy service” online platform for firms to self-assess their own compensation strategies. I will first present a paper on the relationship between vertical pay dispersion and employee turnover based on data collected from 302 firms. Next, I will illustrate how we based on our own studies as well as published meta-analytical studies to build a theory-based algorithm that could provide individualized feedback and advice for firms using our online platform, the “Compensation Strategy Optimization Engine” (CSOE). Finally, I will show how we will use AI to boost the predictive power of CSOE and pave the way for more rigorous scientific research on pay and benefits.
黄旭,香港浸会大学工商管理学院副院长,管理学讲座(首席)教授,并兼任浸会大学DBA课程总监和人力资源策略及发展研究中心主任。他在荷兰瓦赫宁根大学取得组织心理学博士。他现任Management and Organization Review 顾问编辑,Academy of Management Journal 和Human Relations的编委成员,及佐丹奴国际的独立董事。黄旭教授的研究兴趣包括领导力、权力,员工主动行为及非正常行为,员工幸福感与情绪、跨文化组织心理、以及中国组织当中的管理问题。他的研究成果多发表于Administrative Science Quarterly, Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of International Business Studies, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Management, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology等国际知名管理刊物。