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时间:2024-05-17  阅读:

讲座题目:Political Affinity and SEC Review Preferences: Evidence from Cross-Listed Firms 国家亲密度与美国证监会监管偏好:基于赴美上市公司的证据

主讲人:胡宁 西南财经大学





We investigate whether the SEC the review process is affected by the political relations between the United States and other countries. Based on a sample of 5,798 firm-year observations from 31 countries over the period 2005-2019, we find that the SEC are more (less) likely to issue comment letters to cross-listed issuers originating in countries with weak (strong) political affinity with the U.S.A. Importantly, those firms from countries with low political affinity with the U.S.A and targeted by the SEC do not exhibit a higher probability of restatement in the following years. However, the firms from countries with high political affinity with the U.S.A and do not receive SEC comment letters are more likely to restate in the next year. Further tests show that such review preference by the SEC is moderated by the home countries’ legal system, the type of political parties of the US government, auditor type and the trade dependence between the home country and the U.S.A.



胡宁,2019年毕业于上海财经大学,2020年晋升副教授(破格),2023年获长期教职并遴选为博士生导师(破格),主持国家自然科学基金青年项目和面上项目各一项,现担任西南财经大学现代财务研究所所长,光华会计拔尖人才、国家自然科学基金项目同行评议专家,审计署中国政府审计研究中心研究员,西南财经大学审计监察与风险防控研究中心学术专家。在人民日报出版社出版专著《选择性监管及其经济后果研究——基于沪深交易所年报问询函的证据》,以第一作者或通讯作者在Journal of Accounting and Public Policy、Journal of Business Finance and Accounting、Accounting Horizions、Energy Economics、International Review of Financial Analysis、Regulation & Governance、Corporate Governance: An International Review、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal、《会计研究》《南开管理评论》等期刊发表论文数篇。