讲座题目:Fly to Trade: Effects of International Direct Flights on Chinese Cities’Trade
讲座时间:2022年5月22日(周日) 10:00
This paper estimates the causal effect of international direct flights on cities’ international trade, usingChinese customs transaction-level trade data and flight route data from 2000 to 2015 anda staggered differences-in-differences approach.On average a Chinese city’s exports to a destination country (imports from a source country) increase by 11.2% (8.6%) after a direct flight route is launched between the city and the country. This positive effect is stronger for the industries with higher face-to-face communication intensity and higher contract intensity, suggesting that international direct flights reduce cost of international trips and promote face-to-face interactions among international business people.
傅十和,2005年获美国波士顿学院经济学博士学位,现为厦门大学经济学院和邹至庄经济研究中心教授。主要研究领域为城市经济学、劳动经济学和环境经济学,研究论文发表在Journal of Urban Economics, Journal of Labor Economics,Journal of Environmental Economics and Management,Journal of Public Economics,Journal of Development Economics,Review of Economics and Statistics,Economic Journal及《经济研究》等期刊上。担任SSCI期刊Growth and Change、China and World Economy、SCI期刊Plos One编委。