Jingling Luojia Finance Seminar: Spring Macro Workshop, 2018
Finance Department
Economics and Management School
Wuhan University
地点(Location):太阳集团官网经管院(EMS, WHU)
场地:A208教室(Room A208)
Presentation 1
Presentation 2
茶歇(Tea break)
Presentation 3
Presentation 4
题目(Title):Monetary policy transmission in China: Dual shocks with dual bond markets
[with Makram El-Shagi (HeU)]
午餐(Lunch):珞珈山庄(Luojia Shanzhuang)
Presentation 5
题目(Title):Cycles of Credit Expansion and Misallocation: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Presentation 6
题目(Title):Home Values and Auto Purchases
[with Bill Dupor (St. Louis Fed)]
茶歇(Tea break)
Presentation 7
题目(Title):Trade, Finance and International Currency
[with Tao Liu (CUFE) and Wing Thye Woo (UCDavis)]
Presentation 8
报告人(Speaker):Ramon Marimon (EUI)
题目(Title):Commitment and Competition
[with Thomas Cooley (NYU) and Vincenzo Quadrini (USC)]
二、报告人及文章摘要(Speaker and abstract)
1. 侯成琪(Prof. Chengqi Hou)
个人简介(Bio):太阳成集团tyc714cc教授,博士生导师,金融系主任。本科就读于华中师范大学数学系,在太阳成集团tyc714cc获得硕士和博士学位。北京大学光华管理学院应用经济学博士后,范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)经济系访问学者。主要从事货币理论与政策分析等领域的研究,在《经济研究》、《经济学季刊》、《世界经济》、《金融研究》和《统计研究》等国内重要刊物上发表论文20多篇,主持国家自然科学基金三项及重大项目子课题多项。
2. 郭豫媚(Prof. Yumei Guo)
个人简介(Bio):中央财经大学金融学院讲师。2016年毕业于中国人民大学经济学院,获得经济学博士学位。主要从事宏观经济学,尤其是预期管理和货币政策等方面的研究工作。已经在《经济研究》、《金融研究》、《经济学动态》、《中国人民大学学报》、《经济理论与经济管理》和Applied Energy等国内外核心期刊发表近20篇学术论文,并在光明网、《经济参考报》、《中国经济导报》等媒体和报刊发表多篇资政类文章。主持1项国家自然科学基金项目,参与马克思主义理论研究和建设工程等多项国家级课题。
3. 李洁(Dr. Jie Li)
文章摘要(Abstract):本文基于动态一般均衡框架解析了金融杠杆的形成机制、传导机制以及条件状态,探究了金融去杠杆对宏观经济的影响以及所需要的政策应对。研究发现:(1) 给定利差水平,中介存在两类杠杆水平决策,其中之一为稳定杠杆,而另一类为不稳定杠杆,杠杆水平的最终状态取决于社会对中介所分配的资本总量大小。(2) 当经济中利差水平固定时,去杠杆政策造成的杠杆波动不会传导至其他经济变量,经济部门与金融部门决策相互独立;而利差水平可变时,杠杆波动将与其余经济变量发生“纠缠”,经济、金融部门需共同决策,说明杠杆波动主要通过利差渠道进行传导。(3) 中介杠杆水平下降可缓解激励约束造成的金融摩擦,并且当杠杆低于某一水平时,激励约束将不再影响中介决策。反观最优价格型审慎政策,它虽可完全消除经济中的利差水平,但此时激励约束仍影响中介决策,造成金融摩擦。
4. 姜鲁南(Prof. Lunan Jiang)
个人简介(Bio):Lunan Jiang is an assistant professor at Henan University and the deputy director of HENU Center for Financial Development and Stability. He graduated from department of economics of Stony Brook University. His research focuses on macroeconomics, particularly heterogeneous agent models and Chinese economy. He has published in Economics Letters.
文章题目(Title):Monetary policy transmission in China: Dual shocks with dual bond markets
文章摘要(Abstract):Although China’s monetary and financial system differs drastically from its Western counterpart, empirical studies covering this vast economy (the largest by some accounts) have often been simple reestimations or recalibrations of models that have originally been designed to describe US or European monetary policy. In this paper, we aim to provide an assessment of Chinese monetary policy and in particular monetary policy transmission through the bond market into the real economy, which takes into account the peculiarities of the Chinese market. Namely, our model includes both China’s modern attempts at a market-based policy shock as well as the “authority” based monetary policy that is a relic of the original banking system; it considers the special nature of the Chinese treasury bond market which is separated in two independent markets with very limited direct arbitrage opportunities between almost identical assets, and finally it incorporates the role of real estate, which played an essential role in China during the last decade.
5. 许志伟(Prof. Zhiwei Xu)
个人简介(Bio):许志伟,上海交通大学安泰太阳成集团tyc714cc,副教授。2013年获香港科技大学经济学博士学位。主要从事宏观金融、经济周期和中国经济等领域研究。论文发表于Economic Journal,Journal of Economic and Dynamics Control、Quantitative Economics、Review of Economic Dynamics、《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》等中英文期刊。其国际资本流动的研究获得2016浦山世界经济学青年论文奖。
文章题目(Title):Cycles of Credit Expansion and Misallocation: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
文章摘要(Abstract):Burgeoning empirical evidence suggests that credit booms may not only increase misallocation, but also sow seeds for financial crises. However, there is relative under-supply of theory accounting for these facts. To bridge the gap, we develop a unified general equilibrium banking model with heterogeneous _rms to analyze the misallocation consequences of credit expansion policy both within and across sectors. The main insight is the trade-off between credit quantity and quality. On the one hand, a moderate credit expansion has a non-monotonic impact on the aggregate output. It raises credit potentially available for production at the cost of more severe productivity distortion. On the other hand, a sufficiently large credit expansion may trigger an interbank market crisis, generating discontinuous effect. The resulting economic recession is exacerbated by the firm-level productivity misallocations. By extending the static model to a dynamic environment, we show that an expansionary credit policy can generate endogenous boom-bust business cycles despite the absence of adverse shocks.
6. 李戎(Prof. Rong Li)
个人简介(Bio):Rong Li is an associate professor at School of Finance, Renmin University of China. He graduated from department of economics, the Ohio State University. His primary research fields are fiscal and monetary policy, macroeconomics and Chinese Economy. His current research investigates the channels through which fiscal policy affects the economy and quantifies the size of fiscal multiplier. Dr. Li has published papers in leading economics journals, including European Economic Review, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking, and Economics Letters.
文章题目(Title):Home Values and Auto Purchases
文章摘要(Abstract):Along with the significant decline in U.S. home values during the last recession, new vehicle sales fell nearly 40 percent. This paper examines the connection between home values and vehicle sales first using a county-level panel from the episode and finds: (1) A one-dollar fall in home values reduced new vehicle spending by about 0.9 cents; and (2) Falling home values explain approximately 19 percent of the aggregate vehicle spending decline. Next, examining state-level data from 1997-2016, we find: (3) The short-run responses of vehicle consumption to home value changes are larger in the 2005-2011 period relative to other years, but at longer horizons (e.g. 5 years), the responses are similar across the two sub-periods; and (4) The service flow from vehicles, as measured from miles traveled, responds very little to house price shocks. We also detail the sources of the differences between our findings (1) and (2) from existing research.
7. 芦东(Prof. Dong Lu)
文章题目(Title):Trade, Finance and International Currency
文章摘要(Abstract):Currency choices in international trade are related to the depth of financial market, especially in the provision of trade finance. This paper examines how this financial channel affects one currency's internationalization and its macroeconomic implications. We first use a novel dataset from SWIFT to document some empirical patterns, suggesting the importance of financial market development and identifying the distinct channel of trade finance. Empirically the effect of financial factors on currency choice is even stronger than some macro-level variables such as inflation and exchange rate volatility. Then we build a two-country monetary search model featuring time-to-ship friction: goods are delivered one period after contract, and the lack of commitment be- tween exporters and importers make them rely on bank-intermediated trade finance. The agents' currency choice is endogenized and related to the terms of trade, inflation level and financial efficiency. This financial channel gives rise to the incumbency advantage of existing international currency, and also amplifies the effect of monetary policy on international currency status. We further show that global imbalance is partially attributed to US dollar as the single dominant international currency. Numerical examples illustrate these results.
8. Prof. Ramon Marimon
个人简介(Bio):Prof. Marimon is the Professor of Economics and Pierre Werner Chair at the European University Institute (on leave from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra). Chairman of the Barcelona Graduate School of Economics (2011 - ) and Research Fellow of CEPR and NBER. Former President of the Society of Economic Dynamics (2012 - 2015) and of the Spanish Economic Association (2004), Director of the Max Weber Programme of the EUI (2006 - 2013) and Chair of the European Economic Association Standing Committee on Research (2008 - 2011). Prof. Marimon was Secretary of State for Science and Technology in Spain (2000 - 2002) and had served in several Expert Groups advising the European Commission on R&D and Higher Education policy. Prof. Marimon was a co-founder of UPF and first Director of CREi, and had been Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota, after getting his PhD at Northwestern University (1984). His research interests include Macroeconomics, Monetary Theory, Contract Theory, Learning Theory and Labor Theory, with a special emphasis on European economic issues. His research has been published in Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Review of Economic Dynamics, and other journals.
文章题目(Title):Commitment and Competition
文章摘要(Abstract):Two core principles of economics are that welfare can be enhanced with stronger commitment to individual arrangements (contracts) and with more competition. However, in the presence of search frictions, commitment may deter entry with con- sequent reduction in the reallocation of human resources. We study these tradeoffs when there are different degrees of commitment in a model with on-the-job search. Since the degree of commitment depends on the organizational structure of a firm, we contrast the equilibrium of an industry where firms are organized in the form of partnerships with the equilibrium where firms are public companies. We show that in the equilibrium with public companies there is more investment in high return but uncertain activities (risk-taking), higher productivity (value added per employee) and greater income dispersion (inequality). These predictions are consistent with the observed evolution of the financial sector where the switch from partnerships to public companies has been especially important in the decades that preceded the 21st Century financial crisis.