刘艳教授 Email: leannaliu@whu.edu.cn 博士,组织行为学,澳门大学,2006-2011 硕士,工商管理,澳门科技大学,2003-2005 硕士,英语,南京大学,2000-2002 学士,英语,中国矿业大学,1993-1997
• 教学课程:组织行为学、领导力与变革、员工关系
• 研究领域:组织认同、领导力、职业发展
• 访问学者,美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校,2014年9月—2015年9月
• 副教授、教授,太阳成集团tyc714cc,2011年10月—至今
• 南京古南都饭店
1. Asia Pacific Journal of Management
2. Current Psychology
3. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance
4. International Journal of Human Resource Management
5. Journal of Managerial Psychology
6. Journal of Organizational Behavior
7. Journal of Organizational and Occupational Psychology
8. Journal of World Business
9. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health
10. Leadership & Organization Development Journal
11. Motivation and Emotion
12. Service Industry Journal
• 2012 Emerald中国管理研究基金奖
• 2012太阳成集团tyc714cc青年教师教学竞赛二等奖
• 2013、2019太阳成集团tyc714cc课堂教学评教第三名
• 2013获得“最受欢迎MBA教师”奖
• 2014获得美国管理学会组织行为学部“杰出审稿人”称号。
• 2016论文被收录到美国管理学会人力资源管理学部“最佳论文集”。
• 2017论文被收录到美国管理学会组织行为学学部“最佳论文集”。
1. Zhu, J., Lam, L.W., Liu, Y., & Jiang, N. (2023). Performance pressure and employee expediency: The role of moral decoupling. Journal of Business Ethics, 186: 465–478.
2. Hu, L., Jiang, N., Huang, H., & Liu, Y. (2022). Perceived competence overrides gender bias: Gender roles, affective trust and leader effectiveness. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 43(5): 719-733.
3. Sun, J., Wayne, S., & Liu, Y., (2022). The roller coaster of leader affect: An investigation of observed leader affect variability and engagement. Journal of Management,48, 1188–1213.
4. Liao, C., Liden, R.C., Liu, Y., & Wu, J. (2021). Blessing or curse: The moderating role of political skill in the relationship between servant leadership, voice, and voice endorsement. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42, 987-1004.
5. Liu, Y., Mao, Y., Lan, J., Wong, C.S., & Peng, K.Z. (2021). Conducting studies on person-centered career interest profiles: An illustrative example in Hong Kong. Journal of Career Development, 48, 491-506.
6. Liu, Y., Loi, R., & Ngo, H-Y. (2020). Linking organizational social exchange to intention to leave: Does normative commitment matter?International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31, 1663-1683.
7. Liu, Y., Zhu, J., & Lam, L.W. (2020). Obligations and feeling envied: A study of workplace status and knowledge hiding.Journal of Managerial Psychology, 35, 347-359.
8. Liu, Y., Mao, Y., & Wong, C.S. (2020). Theorizing parental intervention and young adults’ career development: a social influence perspective.Career Development International, 25, 415-428.
9. Mao, Y.,Liu, Y., Jiang, C., & Zhang, I. (2018). Why am I ostracized and how would I react? A review of workplace ostracism research.Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 35,745-767.
10. Liu, Y., Peng, K. Z., Mao, Y., & Wong, C. S. (2017). Different forms of relationships between vocational interests and career maturity in Chinese context.Journal of Career Development, 44, 425-439.
11. Hu, L., &Liu, Y. (2017). Abuse for status: A social dominance perspective of abusive supervision.Human Resource Management Review. 27, 328–337.
12. Xu, J.,Liu, Y., & Beth, C. 2017. Leader psychological capital and employee work engagement: The roles of employee psychological capital and team collectivism.Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 38, 969-985.
13. Lam, L. W.,Liu, Y., & Loi, R. (2016). Looking intra-organizationally for identity cues: Whether perceived organizational support shapes employees’ organizational identification.Human Relations, 69, 345–367.
14. Loi, R.,Liu, Y., Lam, L. W., & Xu, A. (2016). Buffering emotional job demands: The interplay between proactive personality and team potency.Journal of Vocational Behavior, 95–96, 128–137.
15. Lam, L. W., Loi, R., Chan, K.W., &Liu, Y. (2016). Voice More and Stay Longer: How Ethical Leaders Influence Employee Voice and Exit Intentions.Business Ethics Quarterly, 26, 277-300.
1. 刘艳,江文琦,董雨菲(2021).低预期员工的印象管理行为模型构建.中国人力资源管理开发, 38, 6-18.
2. 刘艳,邹希,舒心(2019).组织认同对员工创新行为的促进和抑制过程.心理科学进展, 27, 1153–1166.
1. Liu, Y., & Zhu., Y. (2019). Where there is light, there is dark: The dual process model of workplace status and knowledge hiding. To be presented in the Asia Academy of Management biennial conference, Bali, Indonesia.
2. Liu, Y., Mao, Y., Lan, J., Wong, C.S., & Peng, K. (2019). Career Interest Profiles of Young Adults: An Exploratory Study in Hong Kong. To be presented in the Asia Academy of Management biennial conference, Bali, Indonesia.
3. Loi, R.,Liu, Y., & Chow, C. (2018). Influence of Overall Justice on Pro-environmental Behaviors: The Role of Prosocial Motivation and Moral Identity. Paper presented at the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management annual meeting, Auckland, New Zealand.
4. Liu, Y., Wu, J., & Liden, R.C. (2018). Servant leadership, voice, and voice implementation: The role of followers’ perceptions of leader’s willingness to implement voice and follower’s political skill. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Attribution Theory, Florida.
5. Liu, Y., Mao, Y., & Wong, C.S. (2018). Parents’ intrusiveness and young adults’ career development: A social influence perspective. Paper to be presented at the Academy of Management annual meeting, Chicago.
6. Zou, X.,Liu, Y., & Zhu, N. (2018). Turn the Devil into an Angel: Moral Balance and Leader Attribution Perspectives of Employee Time Theft. Paper to be presented at the International Association of China Management Research Biennial conference, Wuhan.
7. Liu, Y.,& Loi, R., (2017). An offer of help may not help: The perspective of recipients’ reactions. Paper presented at in the Academy of Management annual conference, Atlanta. (Best paper proceedings).
8. Sun, K.., Wayne, S., &Liu, Y.(2017). Perceived Leader Affect and Employee Work Engagement: The Moderating Role of Affect Spin. Paper presented at in the Academy of Management annual conference, Atlanta.
9. Zhu, J., Lam, L.W., &Liu, Y.(2017). Paper presented at in the Academy of Management annual conference, Atlanta.
10. Rao, R., &Liu, Y.(2017). A Self-Evaluation Maintenance Model of Team Leaders’ Responses to Members’ High Performance.
11. Zhang, J., &Liu, Y.(2017). When shared leadership fails to work: The role of team-member competence and team. Paper presented at the Asia Academy of Management biennial conference, Japan.
12. Lam, L.W., Lin, X.,Liu, Y.,Ho, A., & Loi, R. (2016). Whether speaking up will be rewarded? A study of challenging voice and performance evaluation.Accepted for paper presentation in theAcademy of Management annual conference, Anaheim. (Best paper proceedings)
13. Loi, R.,Liu, Y., Lam, L. W., & Xu, A. (2016). Buffering emotional job demands: The interplay between proactive personality and team potency. Accepted for paper presentation in theInternational Association of Chinese Management Research biennial conference, Huangzhou.
14. Liu, Y., & Loi, R. (2016). Too much of a good thing: Is organizational identificaitgon always good? Accepted for paper presentation in theInternational Association of Chinese Management Research biennial conference, Huangzhou.
• 青年职业选择及发展--基于科学实证的建议,北京大学出版社
• 因“我们”而创新-组织认同对员工创新行为的促进和抑制过程研究2019-2022.(国家自然科学基金面上项目)
• 父母干涉对大学生职业选择的影响-基于社会影响视角的纵向追踪研究2017-2021.(教育部(人文社会科学)规划类)
• 中国大学生职业成熟度对其成功就业的影响机制, 2013-2016.(国家社科-单列项目)
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