ACM TMIS杂志最佳文章奖,2010
美国营销协会会员, 2011年至今
INFORMS会员, 2009年至今
美国经济协会会员, 2010年至今
国际信息系统协会会员, 2006年至今
“An Empirical Analysis of Virtual Goods Permission Rights and Pricing.”(Ke, D., S. Ba, J. Stallaert, and Z. Zhang.) Decision Sciences, Volume 43, Issue 6, 2012
“Why Give Away Something for Nothing When You Can Charge? Investigating Virtual Goods Pricing and Permission Strategies.”(with S. Ba, J. Stallaert, and Z. Zhang) ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. Vol. 1(1). December 2010.
Comparing Service Quality in 3D Virtual Worlds to Web-based Service.”(with S. Ba, J. Stallaert, and Z. Zhang) Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on E-Business (WEB 2011), December 4, 2011, Shanghai, China.
“Virtual Goods Pricing and Permission Strategies.”(with S. Ba, J. Stallaert, and Z. Zhang) Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2010), December 10-15, 2010, St. Louis, USA.
“An empirical analysis of virtual goods pricing strategies in virtual worlds.”(with S. Ba, J. Stallaert, and Z. Zhang) Proceedings of the 14th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2010). July 9-12, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
“A conceptual model of service quality in 3D virtual worlds.”(with S. Ba, J. Stallaert, and Z. Zhang) Proceedings of the Fourth China Summer Workshop on Information Systems (CSWIM 2010). June 20-21, 2010.
“Optimal Pricing and Permission Right Strategy for a Virtual Good Monopolist in Second Life.” (with S. Ba) Proceedings of the 18th Workshop on Information Technology and Systems (WITS 2008), December 2008
“An Empirical Analysis of Virtual Goods Permission Rights and Pricing Strategies.”珞珈青年学者论坛,太阳集团官网, 2011年11月.
“Comparing the Quality of Customer Service in 3D Immersive Environment to Traditional Web Service.” INFORMS 2010 Annual Meeting, invited session on Virtual Worlds. Austin, TX, USA. November, 2010.